Tuesday 30 October 2012

Skinny girl where art thou?

OK so I appear to be absolutely naff at this blogging lark of late, despite putting myself out there on my last thread claiming I was going to change - now how many times have I promised THAT over the years ;)

Here's where I am now:
I didn't start my P90X/Turbofire hybrid the other Monday because my sister came up from England with her family and I knew that we'd be out pretty much during all daylight hours. My sister loves to walk and so that's what we did and I have to admit I probably saw more of the county I have lived in for the past 9 years in those 5 days than I ever have before.
Anyway I digress:
I was then supposed to start this Monday just gone but I managed to develop Tonsillitis :(  a sore throat :(  and now a minor cold which has flared up my asthma :(  Basically any kind of exercise that makes me take deep breaths leaves me in coughing fits that make me feel as though I have ripped open my Oesophagus and pulled out my lungs :(
So, right now I'm doing whatever I have to do to recover asap to get this new hybrid on the road.

I also planted a couple of widgets to the right hand side of my page.
There's no point rolling your eyes people Christmas is still gonna be just around the corner - 55 days to be exact  (say it in days and it doesn't sound as close as  8 weeks does it).
Anyway the second widget is for my holiday to Jamaica. It's been about 3 years since we have been on holiday and we're lucky to be going with the same friends we went with on our last holiday. These friends live in England so we never get to see them really so we're really looking forward to January.
The problem for me is my weight - of course!  I don't know about you guys but I never buy new clothes. I either feel guilty spending the money or I convince myself there's no point as I'm gonna lose weight. Do you guys do that?
Well, the problem is that I tried on my lovely holiday clothes the other day and not one of them fits :( Not even the jeans I wore last year :(  Which is strange really cos I don't feel bigger than last year - guess it's called denial.
So I have a grand total of 84 days to fit into those clothes. I have no idea how much I need to lose in weight for that to happen cos I have no idea what I weighed last time I wore them. All I do know is that I thought I was fat back then. Well, I'm even fatter now.
So, 84 days, which equates to about 12 weeks to lose this belly. Can it be done? Well it's either that or I'm going on holiday with no holiday clothes :(

1 comment:

  1. Hello my long lost friend!

    Sorry to hear about your throat!!..I keep a sore throat all winter so I know how you feel.

    77 days until Jamaica!!! WOO HOO for YOU!! LOL

