Tuesday 25 February 2014

And so it begins!

I joined 'Dietbet' again and the challenge starts today - I now have 1 month to lose 8.6lbs. A very doable amount I'm thinking.
Now begins the real challenge of being aware of everything I put in my mouth and avoiding those situations where I just want to sit down and munch on chocolate. With that in mind the knitting needles have made an appearance and I've started knitting for my niece/goddaughter who is expecting her first child in June.

Insanity is still keeping me on my toes. Last week was the beginning of the second month but one thing after another kept getting in the way and we had some really bad workouts - I even stopped a workout halfway through which I have never done before - but we were both so tired and fatigued that we were in danger of causing ourselves an injury
This week we started week 6 over again - oh yeah, we're committed - and I have to say that I can feel it in every single muscle in my body, to the point where we could easily have missed todays workout. However we di press play and despite finding it ridiculously hard we loved Max Interval Plyometrics, I'm currently typing this knowing that getting up afterwards is going to be exceedingly hard and painful.

I came across an interesting link today on FB. I don't really follow any nutritionists on FB bar one lady, her story is inspirational and she keeps everything so real and true to her own beliefs. She's not into quick fixes nor fad diets nor diet drinks, it's healthy, wholesome, fresh food all the way and exercise relevant to each individual - it's not a one suit fits all attitude. So refreshing!
Anyway, I found an interesting link shared by Lucy on FB today and I wanted to share it here, it's an interesting read on fruits and vegetables by John Berardi and Ryan Andrews for 'Precision Nutrition'.
Here's the link

1 comment:

  1. Good luck w/the diet bet! With Insanity and mindful eating - should be a breeze!
