
The skinny young girl, soon to be engulfed by fat.

My sister on the left and Me on the right - still skinny!

 I felt moooosive in this photo and yet I'm only a tad overweight there. Guess I can't blame the kids after all, they're about 5 in this image.

 Getting bigger! That's me on the right with mum in the middle and my older sister on the left.

Isn't it funny sad how we feel the need to pull stupid faces to mask embarrassment when someone takes a picture!

2 years ago. Roped in to Bellydance for the local community fete but at least I learned how to hide that stomach - clever huh!


  1. Actually you don't look overweight at all. Why are you calling yourself that? You look nice and healthy

    1. lol KL. Thank you for the compliment however I think the doctor would disagree. According to him I would be at least 5 stone over weight and am medically obese - scary thought huh!
      Mind you I have no intentions of losing 5 stone.
      Thankyou for popping by


  2. hi - with you on the weight loss - it has to go because I/you don't like it and want to change xxxx Love Froogs xxx
