Todays weigh in saw a gain of 2lbs. I kind of expected it because I've had a few days where I've had "the odd treat" and we all know where those odd treats lead.
I'm not worried though, I'm straight back on track and I now have 8 days to lose 2.2lbs to win my 'Dietbet' challenge - I can so do that!
I was back out running at 7am this morning with my daughter Leanne and her boyfriend Owen. Both Leanne and Owen have a naturally faster pace than me, probably due to their Penelope Pitstop type strides compared to my short choppy strides and usually we run in 2 groups
(them and me basically lol), today though we all ran together because Owen has had a few issues with his calf muscles and I think it's because they go off too quick
(we're only a few weeks into this 10k training) and don't stretch properly.
Despite running my granny pants off today we don't appear to making progress on times, though maybe Owens gimpy calf and my asthma making my breathing "sound like a Walrus"
(according to Leanne) could have something to do with it.
Anyway I've just been scouring the net for inspiration and I found this old page from 3 years ago. It's the local running group page where I was a featured runner for the Castle of Mey 10k and I, along with a few others, had to give weekly progress reports. That was the first time I'd ever run as an adult and by week 5 this is what I had to say;
Report 5 - Week beginning 08/02/10
Have you stuck to the training programme? If not any reasons why?
So chuffed! I did the whole 6 miles in one day!!! Then hubby made me get out the car and run!
Excuse the wit but this weeks training has been pathetic from start to finish and humour is all I have left!
Have you done more or less than expected? Explain.
As much as what the training programme expected of me (just) but less than what I expected of me.
How did you feel during training this week? What were the highs and lows?
Lethargic & breathing difficulties.
Highs : - What are those!!!
Lows :- Every single training session this week.
Are you seeing improvements; in speed, distance, breathing?
I wish!
Where are you walking/running; gym, beach, roads, forests?
Twice on the treadmill, once on the road and once in the forest.
Pathetic attempts all of them but the treadmill fared a tad better.
Are you training alone/with someone else/mixture? How does this affect your training?
A mix. Alone on the treadmill but have also been out with hubby and
with my daughter Leanne. As much as I enjoy hubby coming with me it
doesn't do my ego any good that he is so much more fitter than me,
despite his dodgy foot and being a heavy smoker. Yep, I'm slower than a
limping chimney!
Any injuries?
Mentally, heaps of them!
Are you feeling any benefits away from
training as a result of the training; health, toning up, more energetic?
I still sleep better.....
I'm trying to think of more but I've got nothing.
Are you doing any other forms of exercise; swimming, cycling, yoga, pilates?
Cycling and strength training.
Any other observations?
My mental attitude this week has been appalling. I've concentrated
more on what I haven't managed than what I have. My first attack of EIA
has left me unable to push myself for fear of another attack!
Next week I will be getting a grip completely. No more negative thoughts and telling myself 'I can't' when I know I can.
Gave me a giggle, I remember it so well!